Braces For Teeth Alignment

Braces for Teeth Alignment | Garg Dental Clinic Sonipat | Dental Clinic in Sonipat

Dental braces are appliances that are used to correct crowded or crooked teeth, as well as a malocclusion (misaligned jaw). Braces are most often used throughout adolescence, although an increasing number of individuals are undergoing orthodontic treatment later in life. To link braces to your teeth, you'll need metal or ceramic braces, as well as wires and bonding material. An orthodontist is a specialist who specialises in this sort of equipment and treatment for misaligned teeth.

The effectiveness rate of braces varies based on your age when you begin therapy and your treatment goals. Braces are normally highly beneficial for persons who wear them, but their efficacy is dependent on the person and their ability to meticulously follow their orthodontist's recommendations. 

Keeping Braces in Place

You'll need to avoid some meals after getting braces because they can get stuck between the braces and your gumline. These foods include: 

- Hard Candy
- Popcorn
- Chewing Gum

Your teeth are more likely to trap foods that cause tooth decay if you wear braces. Consume sugary beverages and starchy meals in moderation, as they can erode dental enamel.

You'll need to visit the orthodontist for an adjustment every 8 to 10 weeks while wearing braces. Your orthodontist will examine you to ensure that you're keeping good dental hygiene and properly caring for your braces. When required, your orthodontist will replace the O-rings.