Child Dental Care, Sonipat

Many parents believe that cavities in baby teeth are unimportant since they will eventually fall out. That, however, is not the case. Dental deterioration in an infant's teeth can have a severe impact on permanent teeth, resulting in future dental issues.

Tooth decay is, as you might expect, the most common dental issue among children.

- One out of every ten two-year-olds has one or more cavities.
- By the age of three, 28% of kids have one or more cavities.
- Nearly 50 % of children have one or more cavities by the age of five.

You should begin assisting your kid to clean her teeth twice a day as soon as she has a tooth, using a child-sized toothbrush with soft bristles.

Child Dental Care | Garg Dental Clinic Sonipat | Dental Clinic in Sonipat

Teaching your child healthy dental practices is the greatest approach to safeguard his teeth. With the right guidance, he'll easily incorporate excellent dental hygiene into his everyday practice.

You'll get a lot of different opinions on whether the optimum brushing motion is up and down, back and forth, or in circles.