Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic Dentistry | Garg Dental Clinic Sonipat | Dental Clinic in Sonipat

The dental procedure which improves the looks of teeth is referred to as cosmetic dentistry. It focuses on improving the color, location, shape, size, alignment, and general look of the teeth. Regardless of their exact school, expertise, training, or experience in the field, many dentists refer to themselves as "cosmetic dentists. With the primary goal of marketing to patients, this has been considered immoral. Dentists who advertise themselves as cosmetic dentists, however, still exist.


Teeth Cleansing – Refers to the process of whitening of teeth to improve the smile.

Dental Veneers – Covering the front surfaces of the teeth, they are thin shells or custom tooth-colored porcelain.

Dental Bonding: A tooth-colored, putty-like resin, which is a durable plastic substance, is placed on the tooth and solidified using ultraviolet or laser light, allowing the material to adhere to the tooth.

Dental Crown – It covers the teeth from decay and damage acting as its protective cover.

Dental Implants – They are artificial teeth usually made from titanium and put into the place of broken or lost teeth.

Inlays and Onlays – They are indirect fillings, and are used to replace broken or damaged teeth by filling them with composible material like gold, porcelain etc.