Scaling and Tooth Whitening

Scaling is the process of cleaning the teeth. It cleans the teeth of hard and soft deposits, as well as stains. It's a preventative measure.

Whitening your teeth is a cosmetic procedure. It entails the application of a bleaching substance to the teeth in order to increase their whiteness. Because the tooth is treated to chemical treatment, it is quite dangerous.

To avoid gum disease, scaling should be done every 6-8 months.

Plaque (a soft, sticky film of germs, food, and saliva) and hard tartar (calculus) deposits that have built up on the teeth over time are removed during dental cleanings. Saliva is constantly bathing your teeth, which includes calcium and other compounds that assist to build and protect them.  With the advent of the latest Dental technology, we have advanced whitening treatment procedures which give reliable and long-lasting results.

Scaling and Teeth Whitening | Garg Dental Care & Implant Center | Dental Clinic in Sonipat

Why do you need to do scaling & polishing?

 While this is undoubtedly advantageous, it does, regrettably, result in the formation of calcium deposits on the teeth. This chalky material, similar to the limescale deposits at the bottom of your kettle, will accumulate over time. It is usually tooth-colored and can be mistaken for one of the teeth, although it can also range in color from brown to black.

The goal of cleaning and polishing is to leave the surfaces of your teeth sparkling clean and smooth, preventing germs from adhering to them and giving you a greater chance of keeping your teeth clean during your daily hygiene routine.

- To get rid of stains from food (coffee/tea) or smoke.
- To remove tartar or calculus - this aids in the prevention of gum diseases, which are the primary cause of gum recession, loose teeth, and tooth loss.
- To enable the detection of oral diseases such as decay and cavities.